Monday, August 31, 2009

independence day... are we independent?

As we all malaysian knows, every 31st August on each year we celebrated the merdeka day or the independence day. This year was The 52nd year of Independence day for Malaysia. I was at my friends house on the 30th august. We were watching 8tv and there were this one VT that capture me. 'Are u Smarter Than A Darjah 3'. There were this women about 30 years old, the question was how many colours there are on the national flag? And guest what, she answerd 16, and she even listed black as one of our national flag color. How weird is that eh? and the final question was what are the other name of the National Flag and she answered, 'eh, ada nama lain ka?. Isn't that is an eye opener for all of us Malaysians? I thought that Americans were stupid enough. I'm not saying this because im good or anything, but it just as a reminder to myself and to all u Malaysian out there.

This time before i left u guys, i have a really interesting text message which i wanna share with u guys. This text message was send by my cousin in JB. here it goes :-

" Kita sudah 52 tahun Merdeka.. tp dr segi mentality kebanyakan kita masih lg dijajah.. jd perbaiki & jauhilah diri kita dr sifat2 serta perangai penjajah..TETAPI INGAT! penjajah bukan sejadah! renung renungkanlah"